The Future Of Fitness

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So the Coronavirus shut down your gym & you've been forced to workout at home. We don't know when gyms will reopen but we do know it'll never be the same. My mentor has been telling me a fitness industry secret for years now, and I think it's time that I share it with you. You might not like what I have to say, but it's the absolute truth. 

The future of fitness is Online Coaching.

EDX CrossFit will be moving their group classes to Online Coaching full-time starting June 1st, and re-branding as EDX Fitness.

The decision to move EDX to online coaching was not an easy one, but in my heart I feel it is right. Myself & my partner, Angelo, have put our blood, sweat & tears into EDX. Our members know the value of the coaching, the mental health & community they've gained by being a part of this community.

But if life has taught me one thing it’s this: Nothing ever stays the same. We’re either progressing or regressing. I chose progress. And for that reason, I chose online coaching.

I’ve ignored the message of my own mentors, thinking surely they’re wrong. So now that I’m here sharing this same message with you, I don’t blame those who are still in disbelief that life can’t just “go back to normal.” It’s going to be a slow re-integration that will take years.

Wearing masks in public will be mandated starting May 9th in Boulder County. This is already law in other locations. The US economy will see multiple shutdowns, as it's already happened in China. We’re along for a bumpy ride, my friends. Let me help buckle you in...

Protect your health by keeping your workouts regular. Eat healthy. Get good sleep. Do something you enjoy daily. These are the ingredients to a quality life. And this is what your Online Coach will help provide: giving you the plan, holding you accountable and leading you to results.

You might be asking yourself, "How come everyone isn't doing Online Coaching already?" The answer is simple: a lot of people don't even know it's an option yet.

Myself & my husband, Angelo, have been doing Online Coaching for years now. When we first transitioned our in-person clients to online coaching, they found they were getting better results, and had the flexibility to do their workouts on their own time (whether that was at home, in a gym or even when traveling) ... and it was only costing them a fraction of what they had been paying!

Here’s why I workout: To live a quality life for as long as I can.

At 23 years old, I was a size 14. I weighed 175 lb. and had a BMI of 30. I was shocked to learn I was just at the borderline of obesity. I had high cholesterol with a family history of heart attacks. I was on a fast tract to dying young, and it scared the crap out of me.


EDX Fitness Co-Founder, Liliana Gala, in her before & after weight loss transformation.

One year later I lost 60 lb. I was a size 2, weighed 115 lb. at 12% body fat. Beyond looking good, I felt fantastic! I was healthy, my cholesterol was normal, and my confidence was through the roof. The results were totally worth the struggle & I did it working with an Online Coach.

I’m sharing this because you may or may not be ready to face the reality of what the “new norm” is. That’s OK. Online Coaching WILL be different from in-person Coaching. That’s OK too. But you have to really get to know WHY you workout. What’s the end result you’re seeking? It’s OK if the path looks a little different, but what stays the same is the daily grind necessary to get the results. 

Understand your “Why” and you’ll never lack the motivation to get the results you’re chasing. But if you lack the plan & accountability, your actions will misguide you in the wrong direction. That’s what a Coach can help you with.

I didn’t start a business just to close it. I started a business to change lives, and that is exactly what I plan on continuing to do. 

The chevrons in the EDX logo symbolize progress. Forward momentum is the catalyst for growth. Taking the first step is always the hardest, because it requires you to generate momentum internally. But once the wheels are in motion, it gets easier. Our job is to help you take that first step.

If you've fallen out of routine or you're not quite getting the results that you want, click the link below to see how we can help you.

Ready to achieve great things? Get started with an EDX Coach today!


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-Amanda, EDX member


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