What Our Clients Are Saying…

What People Are Saying


“Angelo has helped me train for the Police Academy & I couldn’t have done it on my own. I’ve been offered 2 employment opportunities. Never in a million years would I feel so proud of myself & I owe it all to Angelo and his INCREDIBLE programing and coaching abilities.”

— Jillissa, Police Officer

“EDX is Top Notch & has helped me to achieve fitness goals I didn’t think possible. If you don’t take advantage of this program by joining, you’re missing out on a life changing experience.”

— Steve, Managing Director, at a Top Financial Firm

“I started with an old shoulder injury that hasn’t ever gotten better physical therapy, rest & lifting on my own. Now after just 1 month my shoulder is 90% better.”

— Kelly, Carmichael Training Systems former employee

Here's Some More...

Featured in Boston Voyager Magazine

Featured in Boston Voyager Magazine

Featured in Boulder Daily Camera

Featured in Boulder Daily Camera