EDX Fitness Blog

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to use to gain better health & fitness.

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Low Testosterone Nation

If you have had your radio or TV on or if you have picked up any fitness/health magazines lately you have probably seen an advertisement for low testosterone clinics. According to the New York Times, 500 million doses of testosterone drugs were

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EDX Fitness EDX Fitness

Why Doing Hard Things Is The Key To Happiness

If being happy is our end goal, I can only assume that you are currently unhappy. While the standards for a quality life have been rising, so has depression and anxiety. Why is loneliness the driving factor for our current-day problem of consumption…

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5 Ways Joining EDX Fitness Can Make You Money

How are you investing in your health? Your health insurance provides curative care, while fitness provides preventative health. Which would you rather? And which is truly more expensive in the long term?

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What Is Active Recovery?

Recover faster from your workouts. When you take a rest day it can be tempting to sit on the couch all day to "recover," but our bodies need more than that to recover from a hard workout…

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6 Steps to Becoming a Better Runner

It’s a little disheartening to read the numbers that show between 30-75% of runners get hurt each year. A little fast math reveals 52% of all runners will get injured to the point of forced time off in the next year. There is no other activity that yields as high of injury rate…. not even CrossFit.

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